Nothing big or fancy. Something I enjoy so much doing that I strongly feel it's an expression of myself.
Project 1 : Recipe Collection
Most of what I know came from the a collection of handwritten notebooks of my mother-in-law, whom by the way I never met. Others came from years experimenting, of cutting out from newspapers and from my own magazine collection.
Project 2 : Organized Photo Collection
I want to create, capture and store beautiful memories of my family. It is something I didn't have when I was growng up. I want my 2 children to have good memories of our family.
Project 3 : Read All My Books
I have a modest collection of books and would like to read them all while leaving a note for everybook I finish and dedicate them to my family. I choose books that could help me improve my relationship with them, strenghten my faith and basically just learn something new eveyday.
I am a wife and a mother. It is my God given role today. I embrace it and would like to always be my best. For my best life now is my gift to the world.